


పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/23 పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/24 పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/25



A (thearticle) how expressed,7,8.

A, "Root in A" 230,233.

A, elided, 334.

A, final, brond. 43.

A, E, O, accents affixed, 172, 173.

A', I', E', (prefixed), that, this, which, 75.

A, I, U, affixed, 334, 337.

Ablative, 203, 207.

Able, (can, cannot), 120, 121, 269, 277.

Accent, 34, 35.

Accusative, 200.

Action, gestures, 167.

Adjective, 79, 181.

Adjective pronouns, 74. Adverb, 76, 77, 79, 86, 131,

132,167, 233, 280. Adverbial particles, 286. Affected refinements, 100, 162,

164. Alliteration, 314, 344. Anomalous forms, 271. Antiquated forms, 268. Aorist, 82, 152, 261. Aphorisms of grammar, 266. Arabian nights, 29. Arabic, 63, 67, 84. Arithmetic, 246. Article 75, 279. Assuredly, 282, 283. Auxiliary Verbs, 273, 274, 276. Ballad metre, 318.

Belly, Body, 216, 290.

Bible Translation, 188.

Books that merit publication; (see Preface).

Cah words, 334,180,256, 325 —329.

Campbell, 326

Can, cannot, 120,121, 269, 277.

Cases of Nouns, 49, 50.

Causal voice, 155,158,240,241.

Cerebrals, 7.

Change of consonants, 41, 330, 331.

Change of vowels, 333.

Circle, 28, 29, 232, 272,320.

Comparative and Superlative 79,181,340.

Compass, 213.

Compound nouns and pronouns, 193, 207, 210, 343.

Compound tenses, 160,162,163.

Conditional Aorist, 257.

Conjugations, 81; verbs can change from one conjuga- tion into another, 82, 154.

Conjunctions, 169, 187.

Consonants softened, 169, 41. 331.

Contraction in spelling, 338, 79, note; in writing, 36, 39; in verbs, 267,269,270,273 in verse, 176. *

Conversational forms, 218.

Courtesy, 97.

Declensions, 49, 51, First, 51, 52; Second, 52; Third, 56; of Sanscrit nouns, 76; of adverbs, 76, 77, 78, 79.

Defective nouns, 76.

Defective verbs, 274, 275.

Defilement, 5.

Dentals, 33.

Dialects, 33.

Doubt, 283.

Druta, 174, 175,179, 234, 256, 325—329.

E' final, 43,172, 173,174, 175.

Elision, 44, 333, 339.

Emphasis, 43, 170, 172, 173, 176, 177.

English spoken, 68.

Enunciation, 5, 35.

Etymology, 325, 354.

Exclamations, 286.

Father, 290.

Fictitious phrases used by pe- dants, 162, 164.

Final vowels, 43.

Fit, possible, 277.

Flattery, 212.

Foreign words,66,67,68, 81,82.

Future, 268.

Gender, 334.

Genitive, 50, 198.

Gentleman, 215.

Gentoo, a wrong name, 13.

Gerunds, 218.

Gestures, 167.

Go, 268.

Greek, 95.

H (visargah), 342.

Hard sounds, 6.

Have, 224.

He (translated by Man), 214. Hebrew, 84, 168, 278. Hindustani, 244. Honorific forms, 218. Hymns, 319, 323. I and I' (vowel finals), 47, 48. Idiom, 278, 289. If, or when, 257. Imitatives, 286—288. Imperative, 259. Impersonals, 200, 273. Imprecation, 234. Inchoative forms, 276. Inelegancies, 267, 268. Infinitives, 54, 85, 86, 94, 105.

228, 234. Inflection, 50. Initials changeable, 7,41,43, 44,

169, 344. Instrumental case, 49, 56. Intercourse with the people, 2[)4 Interjections, 286, 275. Interrogation, 43. Intransitives, 224. Irregular (an objectionabl

phrase), nouns, 235; verbs,

113. Kala words, 174, 256. Kannadi, 82, note, 322 Labials, 7.

Laconic phraseology, 167, 168. Learned men, 42. Letters, (epistles), 212. Literature, (see the Preface). Locative case, 49, 281, 282. Lord's Prayer, 260. M; elision of this letter, 178,340.

M, MU, final,45,178,322,323, 334.

Mahat and Amahat,39,190,191. Man, how translated, 214, 217. Manners, 5, 69. Measures, 350, 351, 353. Melodies, 305, 316, 321. Metrical feet, 295, 296, 306. MI. Negative Verbal noun, 239, 283.

Middle Voice, 154, 242—246. Mind, 216.

Monosyllabic Imperatives, 231. Multiplication table 191. Musical metres, 315, 318, 319. Must, ought, should, 277. N: shapes of this letter, 239. N: final in nouns, 201. N: final in verbs, 85, 95, 163,

268 269. N, optional (adesa). 96, foot, 194. N, inserted to prevent elision,


N, inserted in the verb, 232,267, 270.

N, inserted for the sake of metre, 272.

N, dropped, even in the middle

of verbs, 112. Names, proper, 209, 213. Neuter verbs, 224. Nasals, 8, 30; (see circle.) Negative, 93,95,162,163, 239,

251, 283. NI. or NU. conjunctions, 169,


No. 225-228, 275. Never, &c, 216.

Nominative case, 50, 192, used

adverbially, 280, 281. Numerals, 40. O, Cshort), 17.

O, (the sign of doubt), 172, 173

Omission of words, 168. "One' is omitted, 168. Optative or Precatory forms, 266.

Paddy, (rice), 190. Pagoda, (a coin), 347, 348. Palatals, 7.

Particles, 284, 286, 288. Participles, 80,94, 247-257, the

present p.||250,negative251,

past relative p. || 252, 353,

reiterated, 283. Passive verb, 83,153, 224, 247. Past tense, 269, used for the

present, 270. Pedantry, 295. See in Preface. People, 214, 217. Permutation of vowels 333, of

initials, 18. Persons of the verb, how named,


Plurals, 97, 187-192. Poetical dialeci, 325, 327,

spelling, 30,271, in the verb,

113, 114. Points of the compass, 213, 254. Politeness 69, 97,182, 218. Positively, 282, 283. Postpositions, 51. Potential f. ms, 261. Prayer, 234, 259, 260, 275. Precatory forms, 234.

Prepositions, 51.

Present, habitual or occasional,

267, used for future, 268. Pretence, 282. Pronunciation 22, 212. Pronouns, 68,193, 213. Proper names, 209, 213. Prosody, 295—320. PureTelugu, 25,182. Quantity, 295. Question, 43.

R, shapes of this letter, 3; dis- putes regarding it, 24; ob- solete, 24,25,258; inserted, 345.

Reading, 295, 306. Reciprocal or reflective verb, 243

—245. Reiteration, 278. Relations, 290. Relative pronouns, 218. Rhyme, 293,314,315,323, 344. Roots, 83, 84. Root in A, 230,


Rules, antiquated 266. Rupee, 346—350. Rustic forms of the verb, 159. S. On this letter, 26, 27, 126. Sanscrit, 5, 239, 339. Scriptures, translated, 188, 189. Self, 246.

Semicircle, 28,29,232,272,320. Senior and junior, 211,215,290. Shall and will, 269. Silent consonants, 296. Soft sounds, 6.

Softening initials, 41, 169, 330, 344.

Sounds hard and soft, 6. Spelling 47,126,217, 330, note. Spittle, 5, 182, 218. Subjunctive, 261. Sumati, 254. Sunna, (see circle). Superlatives, 280, 281. Syntax, 165.

Tadbhava and Tatsama, 335,

355, 356. Take, 246. Telugu, Tenugu, 13. Tenses, 82, 87,152, 160. Therein, thereby, thereto, 72. Thou, 215

Though, although, 252.

Tone in reading, 5, 295.

Transitive, 224.

Tutor, advice to a, 32.

U, final, 333, 336. ■ Uncertainty, 283.

V is changed into W, or even is slurred, 95.

Verb, 81; voices, 83, verbs are quoted in the preterite form, 83, 84; some are formed from nouns, 278, in incuta, 239.

Verbals, 54, 86, 235; negative

in MI., 239, 283. Vocative, 202. Vowels, 333.

Vulgar forms, 56, 115, 357. Welsh initials changeable, 344. Woman, in pronouns, 215, 217. Y, inserted, 333. Yes and No, 225-228. Z, or J, 21.