Usage మార్చు

This template allows shorthand table styling parameters. It supports up to 10 CSS style commands (e.g. "text-align:right"), each bound to a shorthand code.

If you supply text that is not in the list of shorthands, it will be inserted as is. This you can add to the style command without adding a shorthand entry.

If you want to add a shorthand entry, add it to {{table style/parse}}.

Parameters (update this list if you add any) మార్చు

Shorthand Code inserted
ar text-align:right;
ac text-align:center;
al text-align:left;
aj text-align:justify;
bgt background-color:transparent;
bc border-collapse:collapse;
bl border-left:1px solid black;
br border-right:1px solid black;
bt border-top:1px solid black;
bb border-bottom:1px solid black;
ba border:1px solid black;
bn border:none;
btt border-top:0px solid transparent;
bbt border-bottom:0px solid transparent;
blt border-left:0px solid transparent;
brt border-right:0px solid transparent;
btt1 border-top:1px solid transparent;
bbt1 border-bottom:1px solid transparent;
blt1 border-left:1px solid transparent;
brt1 border-right:1px solid transparent;
ba3 border:3px solid black;
bl3 border-left:3px solid black;
br3 border-right:3px solid black;
bt3 border-top:3px solid black;
bb3 border-bottom:3px solid black;
bld border-left:4px double black;
brd border-right:4px double black;
btd border-top:4px double black;
bbd border-bottom:4px double black;
mc margin:0 auto 0 auto;
mt5 margin-top:5px;
mr5 margin-right:5px;
mb5 margin-bottom:5px;
ml5 margin-left:5px;
lh95 line-height:95%;
lh1 line-height:100%;
lh12 line-height:120%;
lh15 line-height:150%;
lh2 line-height:200%;
sc font-variant:small-caps;
sm font-size:smaller;
sm80 font-size:80%;
sm85 font-size:85%;
sm90 font-size:90%;
sm95 font-size:95%;
xs font-size:69%;
uc text-transform:uppercase;
fll float:left;
flr float:right;
fsn font-style:normal;
fsi font-style:italic;
fwn font-weight:normal;
fwb font-weight:bold;
it padding-left:2.0em; text-indent:-2.0em;
it1 padding-left:1.0em; text-indent:-1.0em;
it32 padding-left:3.0em; text-indent:-2.0em;
pl1 padding-left:1.0em;
pl15 padding-left:1.5em;
pl2 padding-left:2.0em;
pr1 padding-right:1.0em;
pr15 padding-right:1.5em;
pr2 padding-right:2.0em;
pt1 padding-top:1.0em;
pt15 padding-top:1.5em;
pt2 padding-top:2.0em;
pb1 padding-bottom:1.0em;
pb15 padding-bottom:1.5em;
pb2 padding-bottom:2.0em;
vbm vertical-align:bottom;
vbs vertical-align:baseline;
vmi vertical-align:middle;
vtb vertical-align:text-bottom;
vtp vertical-align:top;
vtt vertical-align:text-top;
wa width:100%;
w25 width:25em;
w50 width:50em;
w75 width:75em;
w100 width:100em;

Example మార్చు

{{ts|ar|ba|font-variant:small-caps}} produces style="text-align:right; border:1px solid black; font-variant:small-caps;"

"మూస:Ts/doc&oldid=23689" నుండి వెలికితీశారు