పుట:Sweeyacharitramu Kandukuri VeeresalINGAM 1915 450 P Sarada Niketanam Guntur.pdf/375

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

మూ ఁ డ వ ప్రు క ర ణ ము 3 *2 Mr. M. Atchutaramayya a First Grade Pleader of Cocanada who has presented the Home and the School with a fine block of buildings, consisting of ten rooms for inmates' quarters, besides residence for the Superintendent of the Home and accommodation for the School:—the Samaj having had to add a fresh-water well and a compound wall, the cost of which, it is hoped, will be defrayed by the same generous gentleman. Likewise the donations of Rs. 3,000, in the form of Mill Shares, from Mr. K. Venkata Rao of Bellary, and of Rs. 1,000, in Madras Municipal Debentures, by the late Mr. S. Rangiah Chetty, and a contribution, for current expenses, of Rs. 1,200 from the Rajah of Pitha puram, have to be thankfully acknowledged. The prospects are thus cheering in every way. The scope of the work open to the Samaj to do, God willing, is vast and varied. If only adequate funds should be available, there may be no limit to the good that could be done through the Samaj. But the Samaj is already burdened with a debt of about Rs. 3,000; and thus the need for financial help from the general community is pressing. Apart from the High School for boys, which is believed, under God, to be safe with the princely patronage of the Rajah of Pithapuram, the monthly demand for the other institutions managed by the Samaj stands at Rs. 160, at least. Against this imperative charge there is an income of only Rs. 60 a month from subscriptions, rents, and investments. Thus a clear hundred a month—Rs. 1,200 a year—must be forthcoming regularly to make both ends meet. For this amount the Managing Committee of the HITHAKARINI SAMAJ now tenders this appeal to the generous public. It is confidently hoped that, in vew of the nature—the objects and the scope—of the institutions managed by the Samaj and in