ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


Vasu Charitra " should be approvingly bestowed on later works of poetic art and be exulted in, is proof positive of the dominance of Bhattu Murthi's methods.

The taste which thus irresistibly set in, has steadily gained in volume as time has gone on; and, in the curriculum of choice books, recommended by well-known and recognised pandits to ardent students of Telugu Classics, a prominent place has been invariably assigned to Vasu Charitra. When that earnest benefactor of Telugu Literature in modern times, Mr. C. P. Brown, got Manu Charitra and one or two other productions of the period commented upon, Vasu Charitra too came in, as a matter of course, for a good share of hearty recognition and exposition. But things have changed since then, when the study of Telugu Classics was in its infancy. Ideas, till then unknown and unrealised, have dawned on readers, in virtue of contact with other literatures with English Poetry in particular and discourses thereon. The numbers of those that have, in recent years, approached Telugu Literature with zest and real have done so with the novel conceptions of what are or ought to be the potent elements of poetry by the light, shed by other Literatures. One marked result has been a tendency to make departures from the beaten track and to prize the spirit and sentiment in a poetic work over and above the form and metre adopted and employed. This is an innovation which ought