ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


disheartening danger, bordering on disinal despair. The unspeakable charm of self-sacrificing steadfastness of purpose and of self-contained, inward satisfaction with that firinness-pointing to the seemingly unattainable object of love and of adoration as does the needle to the load star-is the secret of Love's triumph ; and it is in the description of attributes, such as these, that a true poet really excels and extorts awe and respect from even the worldly minded discreet men, notwithstanding that in their gross nature, they may regard such features as visionary madness or culpable obstinacy, worthy of a better cause. It is by impregnating poetry with the spirit of Elegy, heroic resolve and unshaken devotion, and not merely by setting forth in choice language the everyday manifestations of humdrum sexual feeling that pocts of high order fulfil their lofty purpose and mission. If this is the correct standard to apply, it is not for me to say how far this elevating, edifying, chastening. unworldly element is to be met with in the latter day Telugu Classics. In noticing this fact, I mean no disparagement to Peddanna who , in describing his heroines and other women he had to write about, stooped to dwell upon physical charms, which, according to the modern taste and very properly too are best left out, on the ground of indelicacy. Let us however bear in mind that the modern taste is but a thing of recent date, even in other countries and in