ఈ పుట ఆమోదించబడ్డది

Sc. ii.

Honour and policy, like imsevered friends, L
r the war do grow together : grant that, and tell
In peace, what each of them by the other lose,
That they combine not there ? 11

Act. IV. Sc. v.

Let me have war, say I; it exceeds peace as far as
day does night; it's spritelyj waking audible and
full of vent. Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy ;
mulled, deaf, sleepy, insensible ; a getter of more
bastard children than war's a destroyer of men. 12

Act. V. Sc. i.

The veins unfilled, mir blood is cold, and then
We pout upon the morning, are unapt
To give or to forgive ; but when we' ve stuffed . ;
These pipes and these conveyances of our blood
With wine and feeding, we have suppler souls
Than in our priest-like fasts : therefore I'll watch him
Till he be dieted to. my request,
And then I'll, set upon him. 13