పుట:Ambati Venkanna kavitvam-2015.pdf/232

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

The Tank as Mother

Gangamma, playing
On the boats of waves
In the tank full of waters
As though moonlight is spread everywhere
On the hill filled with stars

Touching with waves
Kind mother, scrubbing the body
Like fish in the alluvial hands!

The tank is our mother
It took us ashore
By teaching skills
Lapping up our poor loin cloth lives

Filled my belly with happiness,
While standing on the edge fo the tank
Placing the hand across the forehead!

On seeing the half - creel fish
Coming home as goddess Lakshmi
In the front yard, grandpa used to say,
'Why is the land
when there is a tank?'
And his sons relinquished
Government monthly salary
In response!

As delicious kali
As a brimming pot
As a hunger- quelling mother, our tank!
Sporting vermilion