పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/221

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

• Our native tutors are usually bramhans, and instruct us to speak proudly, is bramhans dot saying We instead of land Our instead of my. In Pritcheti's translation of the New Testament he always uses this mode regarding our Lord. Thus " They seeing the multitudes, went up into a mountain and their disciples having come, they opened their mouth and said"—and in Matt. XVI 16. Ye are the Christ. This is the French fashion. 'Roi du Ciel! je m' aneantis devant vans' This version by Mr. Pritchett was printed in 1819 and 1829. The Rev. Mr. Hough having spoken well of it in (vol. 4. p. 270) his History of Christianity in India, 1845, (citing History of British and Foreign Bible Society vol. 3. p. 462, 463) I will mention that in 1826 I met Gurumurti Sastri the Head Telugu Master in the College: whose .favourable opinion is there