పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/187

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

As afcjfci* 'to fall' has already been conjugated, we need not here give more than the first person.

Some intransitive verbs can at pleasure adopt a passive form. Thus from &o&to 'Be' &oUwxsj*e& (a rustic phrase) he was, &c. So in English, we say he is gone, he was gone (which are Passive forms) instead of has gone, had gone.

Some parts of the verb S>;6«iSb4-> to be heard are commonly used in the active sense, as 3j4w«o&rr^jj& I am heard, S;S»&Qp I was heard for S>o&»7r^jS> and &o£p I hear and I have heard.

Further details will be given in the syntax.


It has been seen that the verb &&>&> to fall is the sign of the passive voice in all verbs. It belongs to the first Conjugation and accordingly in the passive voice all verbs fall under this conjugation.

And the causal voice ends in cu. Accordingly whenever a verb, whatever its conjugation uses the causal voice ending in cu, it appertains to the third Conjugation.

The verb L?r»cs65 vrayu to write is originally of the 2d conjugation ending in Tu: but its passive is (jr-aawssbii which belongs to the first Conjugation and its causal is l_sr»ouot& which belongs to the third. Accordingly verbs are merely distinguished as ending in cu, yu, tu &c. without any note of Conjugation.


The Middle voice is formed by adding r'j&i) to take either to the Root in U, as has already been conjugated or to the past participle. Thus *o^r>4j or aboir* j&t,.