పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/123

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

3d pera. plu. while S or £) (ET) is interposed for all genders in the 3d pers. plu.

'In the Aorist is inserted for the 1st and 2d persons sing, and plu. and for the masc and fem, in the 3d pers. plu. But for the masc. fern, and neut. in the 3d pers. sing, and for the neat, in the 3d pers. plu. no particles are inserted.

'When these particles are connected with the personal terminations, they stand thus:

'Pbesenx Tense.

Sing. Plu.

'1st pers. —°<& anu 1st pers. —°&> amu

2d —°$ avu 2d —°t6 aru

3d Mass. —°&> adu 3d m. f. —°& aru

3d f n. tfoP or oS nnadi, 3d n. ?S^p nnavi. ndi.

The affixes fj^P or oS and i^a are added to the p|| ending in Z but not in