పుట:A Collection of Telugu Proverbs.pdf/67

ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


289. ఈతకు మించిన లోతూ, గోచికి మించిన దారిద్ర్యమూ లేదు.

There is no greater depth to the man who is obliged to swim, nor poverty to him who is reduced to a clout.
(See No. 288.)
Reduced to the last extremity.

290. ఈతగింజ యిచ్చి తాటిగింజ లాగేవాడు.

A man who gives a date stone and takes a palmyra nut.
(See No. 287. )
Ita is the wild date (Phoenix Sylvestris ). Tadu is the Palmyra (Borassus Flabelliformis
Offering a gift of slight value for the purpose of gaining a rich present.
Throw in a spirit to catch a salmon.

291. ఈత చెట్టు కింద పాలు తాగినా, కల్లే అంటారు.

If you even drink milk under a date tree they will say it’s toddy.
(For Ita see No. 290.)
People are judged by the company they keep.
Tell me the company you keep, and I'll tell you what you are.
From a river spring clear water flows. (Latin)[1]

292. ఈతముల్లు విరగ దొక్కే కాలము.

He is at the age when he can tread on and break a date thorn.
(For Ita see No. 290.)
Said of an unruly scamp.

293. ఈదబోతే తాగ నీళ్లు లేవు.

When he went to swim, there was not enough water to drink.
Disappointed hopes.


  1. A fonte puro pura deduit aqua