పుట:A Collection of Telugu Proverbs.pdf/310

ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు


1704. మాట ఘనము, మానిక పిచ్చ.

Great words, but small measure.
(See Nos. 461, 1706.)
A Mânika is a dry measure.
The greatest talkers are always the least doers.

1705. మాట తప్పిన వాడు మాల వాడు.

He that breaks his word is a Pariah.

1706. మాటలకు పేదరికము లేదు.

He is not Wanting in words.
(See No. 1638.)
He ruins himself in promises, and clears himself by giving nothing. (French)[1]

1707. మాటలకు మల్లి, పనికి యెల్లి.

He talks like Malli and works like Yelli.
Malli and Yelli are women's names. The former means ‘again’ the latter ‘tomorrow.’
Applied to a man who is great in words, but slow in action.
Say well, and do well and with one letter;
Say well is good, but do well is better.

1708. మాటలు కోటలు దాటుతవి, కాలు కడప దాట లేదు.

His words leap over forts, his foot does not cross the threshold.
(See Nos. 661,1683, 1704.)
Great vaunters, little doers. (French)[2]
  1. Il se ruine à promettre, et a'acquitta à ne rien donner.
  2. Grand vanteurs, petits faiseurs.
  3. ( 295 )