పుట:A Collection of Telugu Proverbs.pdf/31

ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


87. అప్పు లేకపోతే వుప్పుగంజే మేలు.

Rice water and salt without debt are good.
(See No.88.)
Without debt. without care. (Italian)[1]
He is rich enough who owe: nothing. (French)[2]

88. అప్పులేని గంజి దొప్పెడే చాలును.

A cupful of rice water without debt is enough.
(See No. 87. )
Out of debt, out of danger.
Happy is he who owes nothing. (Greek)[3]

89. అబద్ధాలకు అర్థములేదు.

No meaning can be given to erroneous expressions.
Applied to discrepancies in a statement.

90. అబద్ధాల పంచాఅంగముకు అరవైగడియలు త్యాజ్యము.

A bad almanack makes all the hours of the day unpropitious.
Applied to unreasonable objections.
There are 60 Gadiyas in a day ; a Gadiya therefore equals 24 minutes.

91. అబ్బిగాడు చస్తే ఆ పంచె నాది.

If the boy dies, that cloth is mine.
Want of feeling.

92. అబ్బితే శిగ, అబ్బకపోతే కాళ్లు.

If possible, [ he seizes ] the tuft; if not, the feet.
Applied to a base fellow who tries to ruin others, and, when he fails, cringes at their feet.
Anoint a villain and he will prick you, prick a villain and he will anoint you. (French)[4]
  1. Est assez riche qui ne doit rien.
  2. Senza debiti, senza pensieri.
  3. Κνναίμων ό μηδέν όφέίλων.
  4. Oignez vilain il vous poindra, poignez vilain il vous oindra.
  5. ( 16 )