పుట:A Collection of Telugu Proverbs.pdf/207

ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


1073. తిట్టితే గాలికి పోతవి, తింటే లోగా పోతవి.

The abuse which is heaped on me goes to the winds, but the food which I eat goes within.
(See No. 387.)
A mean sycophant.

1074. తిట్టుగాదురా తొత్తు కొడకా.

I am not abusing you, my good son of a slut.

1075. తిన మరిగిన ప్రాణము అల్లాడి చచ్చినది.

The body accustomed to sumptuous living was distressed for want of food.
Applied to a man whose malpractiees have been put a. stop to, but who is eagerly seeking an opportunity of renewing them.

1076. తిన్న కుక్క తిని పోతే, కన్న కుక్కను పట్టి కాళ్లు విరగకొట్టినట్టు.

When the dog which had eaten [the food] ran off, he caught hold of another dog and broke its leg.
Making the innocent suffer for the guilty.

1077. తిన్నయింటి వాసాలు యెంచుతావేమిరా అంటే, పొరిగింటికి పోతే వూర్కుంటారా అన్నాడట.

When a man was asked why he was counting the rafters of the house in which he had been well treated, he replied, “Would they allow me to do it in the next house ?”
(See Nos. 287, 336, 565, 1078, 1079, 1850.)
Gross ingratitude.
I taught you to swim, and now you'd drown me.

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