ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది

view to promoting goodwill amongst the people. for which he was adored by Muslims and Hindus alike.

When he was preoccupied with political affairs and when his literary fame was at its zenith, he was suddenly shaken by a tragic event. His beloved wife Akbarbebi died Delhi in April 1935 when he was attending the sessions.

This shock are into his very vitals and he breathed his last in January 1945 after a cerebral hemorrhage in a village of Narsapur,

His body was brought for burial to Pittapuram where every year congregational meetings are held for one week by his 20,000 disciples including eminent poets and scholars of Andhra State in honour of their great hero-poet and he lies forever enshrined in their hearts.