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ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దుతున్నప్పుడు సమస్య ఎదురైంది

ke a man laugh, yon can make him nd make him like and beliovo you-" - Alfred E. Smith

My observation is that, generally speaIverty of speech is the 'out Waril evif poverty of mind" -Bruce Barton.

Conversation is tho laboratory and wark the student. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"Take as many half rninutes as you can t never talk more than it half minute t pausing and giving others on oppor to strikein." -Swift.

Conversation opons our views, and gives ulties a more . vigorous play, it puts us ¡urring our notions on every sido and hem up to a light that discovers those: flaws which would probably have lain led in the gloom of unagitated abstrac- -Melmoth.

"The pith of conversation does not consist ibiting your own superior knowledge on is of small importace, but in enlarging, ring, and correcting the information you s, by the authority of others." -Walter Scott.