పుట:భారత స్వాతంత్ర్యోద్యమం - ముస్లిం మహిళలు.pdf/286

ఈ పుట ఆమోదించబడ్డది

భారత స్వాతంత్రోద్యమం:ముస్లిం మహిళలు

worship of Hindoos and Mussalmans are to this day entirely neglected; with all this, how can the people believe that religion will not be interfered with? The rebellion began with religion, and, for it, millions of men have been killed. Let not our subjects be decieved; thousands were deprived of their religion in the North-West, and thousands were hanged rather than abandoned their religion. 4. "t is written in the proclamation, that they who harboured rebels, or who were leaders of rebels, or who caused men to rebel, shall have their lives, but that punishment shall be awarded after deliberation, and that murderers and abettors of murderers shall have no mercy shown them, while all others shall be forgiven. Any foolish person can see, that under this proclamation, no one, be he guilty or innocent, can escape. Everything is written, and yet nothing is written; but they have clearly written that they will not let off any one implicated; and in whatever village or estate the army may have halted, the inhabitants of that place cannot escape. We are deeply concerned for the condition of our people on reading this proclamation, which palpably teems with enmity. We now issue a distinct order, and one that may be trusted that all subjects who may have foolishly presented themselves as heads of villages to the English, shall, before the 1st. of January next, present themselves, in our camp. Without doubt their faults shall