పుట:A grammar of the Telugu language.pdf/133

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way by adding *b; M a,3>aa; or by changing the f& into O sunna as S>oH>, Or when they take they change into cSa as Sola. Likewise in the past tense aj&Op becomes aoASp. In the affirmative aorist affcsfcffa becomes aos&ffc. la the 2d and 3d person plural aj&<&&becomes £>os&5> or &o\&> ■ vulgarly a°#)Here the soft D changes into hard D. The form o\ifc is used only in poetry. Thus wolao. M. XIV. 2. 94. and 2. 169.

Some grammarians direct us to write these verbs with if N, not with O. Thus aotfc becomes But this.is a refinement ap

proved only by grammarians; not by the people at large.

The verbs to hear, «ffa^ to go, a&«6*-> to fall, ^Scij

to be spoiled, tfxo&j to fit, to descend &c. change at pleasure the affix-= into in forming thepast and future tenses.

Thus a"j3fS> or aPaoi*; and a?«i& or ajSo&ssfSo. And they have also the liberty of being contracted in the relative participle. Thus 3PiS or SjS^., *&fS or and or Many verbs ending

in a NO and £&) DU (as mentioned above) contract the second shape of the past tense. Thus apF*fk becomes aF^.?k, d&Tftb becomes BT**fS>.